Sunday, July 24, 2011

Georgetown Festival 2011

July 2011, the entire month, we celebrate Georgetown Penang festival. On 7 July 2008, Georgetown Penang was formally inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Since than, every year of July, we have the celebration for Georgetown, introduces more about Georgetown to the world, share our culture, our art and our passions on life and our believes.

1. Masjid Kapitan Keling. This is the first time, I visit the mosque. A mamak explain the believes of Islam to us.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Wesak Day 2011, Preparing Veg Dinner

We celebrate Wesak day every year. Wesak day, formally called as Vesākha, sometimes been known as Buddha's Birthday is a public holiday for South East Asia country. This is a big day representing Buddha's birthday, enlightenment and nirvana.

Wesak day 2011, I joined the cooking team, helping them to prepare veg dinner for all the volunteers who help out in celebrating Wesak day.

1. We do it at one of the chef's house.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Deer Harbour in Taiwan

Deer Harbour, LuKang (鹿港) is an urban township in northwestern ChangHua (彰化) County in Taiwan. LuKang is one of the town I visited during the trip to Taiwan in Dec 2008. It is a famous tourist spot for the local but not foreigners. LuKang have a lots of temples, people usually come here for prayers especially during MA-CHOR Goddess (马祖)celebration day.

1. TianHouGong(天后宫), one of the famous temple near the Hotel we stayed.